Getting Your House In Order | 2021 Prep

2020 is almost over! That’s right, the year that brought with it unprecedented challenges and innovative opportunities is coming to an end. And if you’re anything like the rest of the world, you’re ready to put this year behind you. But, you should never enter a new year without a plan.

Some people turn to vision boards, others prefer New Year’s resolutions and goal casting. Either way, it’s wise to get your house in order for 2021.


Health and Wellness

Let’s start with health. In order for you to accomplish anything, you have to be healthy. You can’t grind properly if you’re not well. As we head into 2021, make sure you’re staying on top of your mental and physical health.

When it comes to your mental health, everyone has different triggers and motivations. The first thing you need to do is identify what yours are. According to Psychology Today, an emotional trigger is anything that makes us feel uncomfortable. They further state that author Brene Brown said many of them stem from perfectionism. Remember, done is better than perfect and progress is better than perfection.

126As for your physical health, make sure you find a routine that works for you. No two people are the same, so trying to emulate someone else’s fitness routine may not only lead to a lack of results, but it can also be frustrating.

If you haven’t exercised in years, don’t expect to keep pace with your friend who’s in the gym five days a week. Start small, then build to an exercise and diet routine that suits you. And remember, exercise needs to be combined with a healthy diet, which means different things for different people.

Financial Planning

127Next up: Finances. Money is by no means everything, but it does help you buy the things you need – and enjoy the things you want. That’s why it’s important to have a financial plan.

Do you have a budget? A savings plan? An emergency fund? If your answer to these questions is no, don’t fret. You can start working towards those things today.

We know the pandemic has wreaked havoc on many people’s finances, so even if you did have these things, you may not anymore. Know that these things are dynamic, not static. They can be adjusted to fit your current circumstances.

Then there is the group of people who’ve exercised poor money management. We want you to know, that’s okay too. It’s never too late to shift your paradigm and exercise better habits.

Just make better money decisions, starting with creating a budget or updating the ones you have. Once you have these things in order, you want to look at other wealth-building tools like life insurance, real estate, stocks, bonds, and other investments, etc.

All drivers in Florida must carry Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage. PIP pays out for medical benefits when you’ve been hurt in an accident regardless of who was at fault. You can get medical costs and up to 60% of your lost wages covered through PIP, so we recommend that you file for these as soon as possible.

To access these critical benefits, you must seek medical treatment as soon as possible, within two weeks of the Florida car accident. After the two-week period has passed, your PIP claim will be denied.

If you’re not sure if you’re hurt, get medical attention just in case so that a doctor can decide if you need additional treatment. The PIP company also has the right to investigate the claim that you file if they believe fraud has occurred, which is yet another reason to have an experienced injury lawyer at your side.

Life Insurance and Other Investments

120Life insurance will save your loved ones the trouble of covering burial expenses. Some policies also have certain clauses that help with wealth-building beyond burial expenses. There are different types of plans and policies so be sure to research thoroughly to find the one that’s best for you. Investing in real estate and stocks and bonds helps you build wealth that is not dependent upon your work. Be sure to look into these options to diversify your financial portfolio.

Legal Affairs

Finally, in order to get your house in order for 2021, make sure you get your legal affairs in order. Whether you’re a business owner or work a corporate gig, if there’s something you need to address, don’t let it linger. Be proactive and look for legal representation that fits your budget.

“Whether you are planning for your retirement, college for your kids, or planning for your legacy, it’s important to consult with real estate professionals, a financial advisor, and an attorney to make sure your plan makes sense for you. Trying to handle these things on your own can cost you way more in the long run if not done properly.” – Josh Jones

In short, don’t leave your future to happenstance. Take the steps necessary to get your house in order and begin building a solid legacy. You’re never too young to start securing your family’s future. 2021 is right around the corner. Make sure you enter it full speed ahead.

How We Can Help?

If you need help getting your legal affairs in order, particularly if you’ve been in an accident, give our offices a call at (305) 239-HURT (4878). We’d be happy to help you determine if you have a case and answer any questions you may have about your claim. Consultations are free.

All information and tips provided in this blog are meant for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice or an attorney-client relationship.

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