Information About The Firm

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Protecting the injured from the insurance companies so that they can focus on healing.


Building the largest African-American Owned Law Firm in the Country based on number of people employed, revenue generated and community impact. Becoming the go-to resource in the African-American community when it comes to legal issues in Florida.


We guide our client through the claims process after they have suffered serious injuries because of someone else’s wrongdoing. For most people, this is an unfamiliar process. We seek to protect them from being taken advantage of by companies who put their profits over their best interest. Our objective is to educate them through proactive communication and to secure the best result that we can for them.

Protect our clients from insurance companies who are looking to pay them as little as possible for their injury claim so the client can get better. Use the rewards from our talents to give back to our community in a meaningful way through philanthropy, real estate investments, and mentorship.


  • We limit our practice to protecting victims of serious personal injuries.
  • We always put our clients first
  • Showing compassion, sympathy and empathy for what our clients are going through
  • Honesty, above all else.
  • We utilize technology to provide efficient results for our clients
  • We invest back into our community by providing financial resources to community based organizations, scholarships, mentorship and pro bono legal advice
  • We support black owned and minority owned businesses
  • Will not do business or associate with anyone or company who is who is dishonest and takes advantage of customers, vendors, suppliers or other member of the public

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